Category: NEWS

Introducing the ELLIS Unit Barcelona: A Hub for AI Excellence and Collaboration in Catalonia

The ELLIS Unit Barcelona is a federated research structure bringing together outstanding AI researchers from top institutions in Catalonia, fostering a vibrant community of machine learning experts. This initiative connects us with other ELLIS Units across Europe, promoting collaboration and innovation.   The ELLIS Unit Barcelona is part of the European Laboratory for Learning and […]

Reflections from MIDL 2024: Advancing Trustworthy AI in Healthcare

Last Friday, 5 July, our lab had the honour of being represented by our director and ICREA professor Karim Lekadir, who delivered a keynote on trustworthy AI at the Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 2024 conference in Paris. This conference was an incredible opportunity to share our lab’s work and insights on AI projects […]

Final EarlyCause Project Meeting Concludes Successfully

The final project meeting for EarlyCause was held on 10-11 June in Oulu, Finland, marking the successful completion of the project. Key stakeholders, team members, and partners gathered to celebrate the achievements, discuss lessons learned, and plan future endeavours.   As project coordinator, we were happy to see so many successful milestones achieved during the […]

Breast imaging paper obtains award at IWBI 2024

This years IWBI, the 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging, took place in Chicago, USA, from 9-12 June. Technical coordinator Oliver Diaz of our European projects RadioVal, EuCanImage and Spanish project FUTURE-ES travelled to the conference to present our most recent work. The first paper presented was a study investigating how stability of radiomics features, […]

Presenting on trustworthy AI at IEEE’s ISIVC 2024

This year ISIVC 2024, the International Conference on Signal, Image, Video Processing and Communications, is taking place in Marrakesh, 21-23 May. This year’s theme is “Pushing the limits of multimedia data processing in the saga of Artificial Intelligence”.   On 21 May our lab director and ICREA professor Karim Lekadir gave an inspiring keynote address […]

RadioVal’s Technical Coordinator Prof Oliver Diaz presents at ECR

Join us live in Viena or for free online at the European Congress of Radiology. On 3rd March, 11:30-12:30 CET, Prof Oliver Diaz, Technical Coordinator of RadioVal, will be giving a live talk on “AI, real impact: redefining clinical decision making based on medical images.”  Join the session online and for free here Find more […]

STAGE: Stay Healthy Through Ageing project kicked off

In the coming decades, a significant demographic shift is anticipated across European regions, with the population aged 75 years and older poised to double by 2050. This demographic trend poses intricate challenges both on a personal and societal level, necessitating comprehensive and adaptable solutions. The ability for individuals to ‘stay healthy through ageing’ is contingent […]

Karim Lekadir, Director of the BCN-AIM lab is awarded ICREA research professor position

We are excited to share that on 1st January 2024 Karim started a new chapter in his career as an ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona.   ICREA, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, is the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, supported by the Government of Catalonia. ICREA’s mission is […]

Enroll now to the new DATAETHICS e-training programme

Over the three years of the project, the DATAETHICS Consortium has developed a novel Open Education Resources (OER) in the form of an online training package comprising four comprehensive courses. The e-courses represent a significant knowledge repository addressing ethical, legal, and societal dimensions in the collection and management of Biomedical Big Data (BBD). This resource […]

ERC Consolidator Grant officially starts in Kenya

I am delighted to report that my ERC Consolidator Grant on Inclusive Artificial Intelligence for Accessible Medical Imaging Across Resource-Limited Settings (AIMIX) started on 01 January 2023. For the kick off meeting, my team and I met amazing and inspiring healthcare workers and researchers in Kenya. We also visited local clinical centres in rural Kenya, […]